Saturday, May 20, 2017

Summer is here...meh?

The new season for #Product #Photography is in full swing and Summer is hitting Florida with what promises to be a real scorcher making outside work almost impossible. Thanks to careful lighting, special props and backgrounds I can bring the outdoors to any small product shoot.

Hero shot of a cold process coffee maker.

Strobes replicate light from open shade giving soft pleasant shadows along with a few specular reflections of the outdoor area. A color print of a garden hedge lit with a separate light and slightly over-exposed completes the outdoor effect.

Here is the same product on the same table but with different lighting and on a white sweep.

On white sweep for Amazon primary listing photo.

Have some small items that need this type of treatment? Contact me for a free bid on your project.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Courage Cube Loving Uplifting Gifts

I just completed a project for Rebecca Daoud founder of Courage Cube. She has suffered from chronic illness since age 29, read her story on her website at ( Here are some of the product proofs done on white sweep. If you know a person or have a family member suffering from an illness, consider these gifts to support them.

Close ups of some of the included gifts.

Complete gift sets.

Basic catalog photos on white sweep that will be easy to knock out later for use on Amazon or mixed media advertising.

#product #photography #tampabay